186 research outputs found

    Domain Adaptation For Vehicle Detection In Traffic Surveillance Images From Daytime To Nighttime

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    Vehicle detection in traffic surveillance images is an important approach to obtain vehicle data and rich traffic flow parameters. Recently, deep learning based methods have been widely used in vehicle detection with high accuracy and efficiency. However, deep learning based methods require a large number of manually labeled ground truths (bounding box of each vehicle in each image) to train the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). In the modern urban surveillance cameras, there are already many manually labeled ground truths in daytime images for training CNN, while there are little or much less manually labeled ground truths in nighttime images. In this paper, we focus on the research to make maximum usage of labeled daytime images (Source Domain) to help the vehicle detection in unlabeled nighttime images (Target Domain). For this purpose, we propose a new method based on Faster R-CNN with Domain Adaptation (DA) to improve the vehicle detection at nighttime. With the assistance of DA, the domain distribution discrepancy of Source and Target Domains is reduced. We collected a new dataset of 2,200 traffic images (1,200 for daytime and 1,000 for nighttime) of 57,059 vehicles for training and testing CNN. In the experiment, only using the manually labeled ground truths of daytime data, Faster R- CNN obtained 82.84% as F-measure on the nighttime vehicle detection, while the proposed method (Faster R-CNN+DA) achieved 86.39% as F-measure on the nighttime vehicle detection

    DSP-based 40 Gb/s Lane Rate Next Generation Access Networks

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    To address the continuous growth in high-speed ubiquitous access required by residential users and enterprises, Telecommunication operators must upgrade their networks to higher data rates. For optical fiber access networks that directly connect end users to metro/regional network, capacity upgrade must be done in a cost- and energy-efficient manner. 40 Gb/s is the possible lane rate for the next generation passive optical networks (NG-PONs). Ideally, existing 10 G PON components could be reused to support 40 Gb/s lane-rate NG-PON transceiver, which requires efficient modulation format and digital signal processing (DSP) to alleviate the bandwidth limitation and fiber dispersion. The major contribution of this work is to offer insight performance comparisons of 40 Gb/s lane rate electrical three level Duobinary, optical Duobinary, and four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-4) for incorporating low complex DSPs, including linear and nonlinear Volterra equalization, as well as maximum likelihood sequence estimation. Detailed analysis and comparison of the complexity of various DSP algorithms are performed. Transceiver bandwidth optimization is also undertaken. The results show that the choices of proper modulation format and DSP configuration depend on the transmission distances of interest

    Experimental Study and CFD Modelling of Down-Reaching Flame Behaviors of Tank Fires with Large Ullage Heights

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    This paper is aimed at studying the down-reaching flame behaviors of tank fires with large ullage heights. Experiments were first conducted using a gas burner in a transparent quartz glass cylinder to simulate the large ullage and the experimental data was used to validate the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Subsequently the effects of ullage height, fuel velocity and burner diameter on the flame behaviors were examined systematically. Both experimental and numerical results showed that, for lower fuel velocities, the down-reaching flame height (hdown) is restricted by the ullage height. As the fuel velocity continues to increase exceeding a critical value, independent of the ullage height, hdown starts to decrease. For a given fuel velocity, hdown increases with an increase of the burner diameter owing to enhanced air entrainment. A detailed analysis of the flow field and oxygen concentration inside the tank at the steady burning stage was also carried out. Based on the numerical results and dimensionless analysis, a piecewise function was proposed to predict the down-reaching flame height and validated against the experimental data

    Group delay dispersion monitoring for computational manufacturing of dispersive mirrors

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    We present a computational manufacturing program for monitoring group delay dispersion (GDD). Two kinds of dispersive mirrors computational manufactured by GDD, broadband, and time monitoring simulator are compared. The results revealed the particular advantages of GDD monitoring in dispersive mirror deposition simulations. The self-compensation effect of GDD monitoring is discussed. GDD monitoring can improve the precision of layer termination techniques, it may become a possible approach to manufacture other optical coatings

    Atomic-scale observation of localized phonons at FeSe/SrTiO3 interface

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    In single unit-cell FeSe grown on SrTiO3, the superconductivity transition temperature features a significant enhancement. Local phonon modes at the interface associated with electron-phonon coupling may play an important role in the interface-induced enhancement. However, such phonon modes have eluded direct experimental observations. Indeed, the complicated atomic structure of the interface brings challenges to obtain the accurate structure-phonon relation knowledge from either experiment or theory, thus hindering our understanding of the enhancement mechanism. Here, we achieve direct characterizations of atomic structure and phonon modes at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface with atomically resolved imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope. We find several phonon modes highly localized (~1.3 nm) at the unique double layer Ti-O termination at the interface, one of which (~ 83 meV) engages in strong interactions with the electrons in FeSe based on ab initio calculations. The electron-phonon coupling strength for such a localized interface phonon with short-range interactions is comparable to that of Fuchs-Kliewer (FK) phonon mode with long-rang interactions. Thus, our atomic-scale study provides new insights into understanding the origin of superconductivity enhancement at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface

    Simultaneous Regeneration of Two 160 Gbit/s WDM Channels in a Single Highly Nonlinear Fiber

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    We experimentally demonstrate simultaneous all-optical regeneration of two 160-Gbit/s wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels in a single highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). The multi-channel regeneration performance is confirmed by bit-error rate (BER) measurements. The receiver powers at a BER of 10-9 are improved by about 4.9 dB and 2.1 dB for the two channels, respectively. The BER performance is not degraded by the presence of a second channel. Mitigation of the inter-channel nonlinearities is achieved through bidirectional propagation.</p

    4 Ă— 160-Gbit/s multi-channel regeneration in a single fiber

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    Simultaneous regeneration of four high-speed (160 Gbit/s) wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) and polarization-division multiplexed (PDM) signals in a single highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) is demonstrated. The regeneration operation is based on four-wave mixing in HNLF, where the degraded data signals are applied as the pump. As a result, the noise on both '0' and '1' levels can be suppressed simultaneously in our scheme. The stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) from the continuous wave (CW) is suppressed by cross-phase modulation (XPM) from the data pump, relieving the requirement of external phase modulation of the CW light. Mitigation of the inter-channel nonlinearities is achieved mainly through an inter-channel 0.5 bit slot time delay. Bidirectional propagation is also applied to relieve the inter-channel four-wave mixing. The multi-channel regeneration performance is validated by bit-error rate (BER) measurements. The receiver powers at the BER of 10-9 are improved by 1.9 dB, 1.8 dB, 1.6 dB and 1.5 dB for the four data channels, respectively.</p
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